
Will it work, and be worth building?

by  |  earlier

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The machine, as i stated previously, is completely propelled using magnets, and also as i stated previously its not a perpetual motion machine, i don't believe perpetual motion is possible. But i digress. One of you already said that Neodymium magnet is a permanent magnet and therefore is not produced but is instead mined. That i didn't know, and if thats the case, then my machine will be well worth building. I would state how my machine works and the details of the design but for fear of someone stealing my idea i'll politely decline describing it. I'm going to leave this question open though for more answers if anyone has them. Thank you




  1. a generator that uses a lot of electricity?

    Why not go with the idea of screen doors in submarines instead.

    or solar powered flashlights.

  2. "well see thats the question, will it be more electricity to produce the magnets as compared to how much the generator will produce? Like how much electricity does it require to manufacture a cylindrical .5" diameter, 6" long Neodymium magnet?"

    IF your machine works as you think it does, than it doesn't matter how much electricity it takes to manufacturer your magnet, as that is an initial one-time cost, and a continuously running machine producing electricity will quickly pay back that cost.

    BUT you seem to be building a perpetual motion machine, and that won't work at all.

    "In theory it will work"? what theory? Can you state it?


  3. Neodymium is, in its elemental state, a permanent magnet.  As such, it does not take any electricity to endow them with a magnetic field as they naturally have one.  I don't quite understand the purpose of your machine, but to answer your question, it takes no electricity to create Neodymium magnets (other than, of course, the electricity used to mine them, ship them, etc.)

  4. Neodymium magnets are not pure Neodymium, they contain other elements as well. To magnetize one requires an energy of BHV, where B is the flux, H the magnetizing force, and V the volume of the magnetic field. Only a few Joules for a typical magnet.

    But you can no more get energy from a permanently magnetized magnet than you can from a permanently deformed spring. There is not even a practical way to extract the stored energy while demagnetizing the magnet.

    The laws of thermodynamics state that you cannot get more energy out than you put in. If you put no energy in, then you get no energy out.

    There are any number of scams out there pretending to be permanent magnet generators. The Perendev generator is popular at the moment. Millions of dollars have been stolen from suckers in this way.

    This is a light weight motor, weighing only a little more than a ton.

    Note that, because it does not exist, it is never sold outright. They tell you where to send your money, though!

  5. An electricity powered generator?

    Okay. When the power goes out, how are you going to start it?

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