
Will it work: multiple generating engine?

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So from what ive learned and asked it is impossible to get enough power to keep a battery charged off its own power no matter how many generators are used BUT Is it possible to use multiple energy sources running generators to one battery that would create a form of "free energy" (not in the real sense but the no fuel consumption sense)


Your vehicle has an independent battery for each wheel, each wheel has a series of 10 small wheels attatched to generators on top of them and as the wheel turns it generates power that is returned to the batteries, THEN a central battery would be attatched to generators throughout the car that would fill that small gap of lost energy, the cars roof would be covered in solar panels, the scoop would have a honeycomb of small windmills, ect and these would power the central battery that would send power to the 4 other batteries to fill the small gap of energy loss from the independent generators on the wheels. SO would it work?




  1. no.

    the bit about the many small generators and batteries and wheels is all nonsense. sorry. many small generators or batteries is no better than one large set, and is in fact less efficient.

    Wind turbines on a car don't do any good, it takes more power to push them through the air then they would generate.

    A solar array on the roof is the only thing you said that makes sense, that could possibly work.

    Please study basic physics and electricity.


  2. This exact scheme has been tested and found to be of no value at all.  There's NO free lunch.

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