
Will japan be forced to invade soon, considering there so short on space....????

by Guest59539  |  earlier

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they've gotta fill up that little island some time soon, surely??

any likely targets???




  1. Japan is not allowed to have an invading capable force..They can only defend themselves ..

  2. Japan is essentially a vassal to the United States, and won't be fighting in any wars that we don't approve of. Moreover, they don't technically have an army. They have a very modest and lightly-armed defense force that is backed by the US military.

  3. Ah, that's a tad unlikely. One, all they've got is a defence force. Nowhere near enough to attack anywhere. Two, the Japanese are intelligent people and are highly unlikely to make the same mistake twice. Being militarily expansionist ultimately makes you the victim.

    And besides, why invade anywhere when your basic skill is making money through industry and innovation? You can go anywhere you like when you do that. And people will welcome you.

    American vassal... lol. Yeah, funny old thing, the US national debt? Lots of money owed to the old Japanese business sector. See, what happens when a country can't spend billions on military research? Imagine how technologically advanced the US would be, if only paranoia didn't drive a military budget which spends more per head of population than ANY other country in the world.

    Trust me, US citizens, this is not something to be proud of.

    Ray... I've got many character flaws. Envy of the US is unlikely ever to be one. Besides, everything I've said is factual. You go check if you like. Your economy is driven by military spending and research. You have huge national debt and the Japanese own big chunks of your industries.

    You might think it's anti US. Anyone with half a brain will see it's only stating the facts. Oddly enough you don't see it.

    Wonder why?

  4. Their birth rate is very low much like the U k and most of Europe !.5% soon they be gone as a nation

    After reading the above post I think i know the problem You see you asked a question about Japan and the fool above started with his never ending anti American B/S and there is the problem His envy and hate of America as stop him from being a ma...........well lets be nice..... taking care of business

  5. Where do you get these stupid ideas from. I think our little island needs sorting first.

  6. You ever been to Japan? 70% of the population lives in the kanto plains area. That's like 70% of the west coast living in LA. Plenty of room still!

  7. The US they are emigrating here and buying up everything thet can.


  8. LOL at first answerer that is so the American view on the world ;-)

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