
Will karma get him??

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ok ive been with my ex boyfriend for 2 years...after we broke up we remained friends and would sometimes hang out and "hook up" (kiss)...this of course made me have stronger feelings for him....hes told me a couple of times that he saw a future with me...recently i found out from a friend (not him) that he now has a new girlfriend who he has been going out with for 2 months...i found out that as he was going out with her he was hooking up with me at the same time...not only does this HURT me but i feel used, misled, betrayed embarrassed etc....i cant believe he did that to me!! after all i really loved him...well the other day he called me twice and i ignored the calls..i kept asking myself why is he calling me when he has a new girl???..i sent him an email saying to never contact me again and good luck to him and his new girl...i also mentioned how hes lied to me on a few things hes told me and so on..i would like to know -- will karma get him?? after what he did to me..advice please




  1. You two certainly think alike. I am certain that I recently answered his question about why you were mad at him. He says he just wants to remain friends. I told him this was unlikely as it appeared you had feelings for him that he obviously did not share. I think it's wrong that you did not hear from him that he had a new girl friend. That the level of your anger was proportionate to the level of your former love. I believe that good and bad karma are like a bank account. You get out of it what you put in. So yes, if he's wronged you it will come back on him some day. I Have seen good and bad karma work in my life and I can tell you it never misses. Be the bigger person in this and you will be rewarded for it.  I must say it is fascinating that I now have both sides of the story. I hope things work out.

  2. yes, karma always does.

  3. You need to find out if he really does have a gf and if he does then yes Karma will catch up to his ****.. sooner or later

  4. not sure about the karma thing, but his actions will definatly catch up to him. you will need to do nothing further, if he breaks up with the new girl and comes back to you then you need to tell him you have moved on and have no desire to go back into time. (in other words tell him he sucks and leave you alone).

  5. nope. there is no accounting for what people get, versus what they deserve.

    jigsaw said it best in saw 4,

    "people steal, don't get caught. they lie and cheat- and get elected. then an honest hard working person stops to help some stranded stranger, and gets taken out by a speeding bus."

    really, the only thing you can do, is what you have already done. break off contact, and leave it that way.

  6. karma works in mysterious ways, if you leave things as they are, karma will work on its own.

  7. Yes Karma will get them. They will meet an untimely death.

  8. karma might not, but you could if you told his current gf what hes been up to
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