
Will kobe ever win another mvp , ring , or finals mvp award?

by Guest66600  |  earlier

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Will kobe ever win another mvp , ring , or finals mvp award?




  1. Nope.

  2. Yes ... i mean Lakers were title Contender last season w/o Bynum and now with him ... they will be even more dangerous

    When i say that haters like omg he won't make that much impact yada yada ...

    Anytime when you add double double guy.. it will make difference

    Guy who said Lakers had more talent than Celtics in Finals .. is a moron ...

  3. everything because kobe might try harder

  4. he definitely can win another mvp since he has talent around him, really by far the best in the nba now with bynum in a league that rewards it based on team record. and of course win a ring with a better team than last year with bynum. If he can't get it with this squad, he never will. talent wise it doesnt get any better than that. in my opinion lakers had the better talent than celtics last playoffs and should have won or at the least give them competition but kobe was dismal shooting jump shots all throughout the series. Now with even more talent. It'll be his last chance to silence critiques who say he can't win alone, without shaq. As of mvp he's not gonna have more than couple years to win it as he's passing his prime and other young players esepcially lebron is entering his.

  5. Yeah, Kobe will sweep all three this season.

  6. MVP: Depend on how his team stats is, if there number 1 in the West then yeah he will win another MVP award.

    Rings:  Of course, now that Gasol and Odom have experience in the final. Things will just get better from there especially with Andrew coming back. This year suck for Kobe because Gasol and Odom werent aggressive, so the Celtics knew who to guard the most.

    Finals MVP Award: If they win the championship, then yea Kobe will get it

    You forgot Gold Medal :): I say if Kobe is offer the chance to come back in 2012, he will win another gold. Or if he plays for Italy ... anythign can happen

  7. Yeah he will.


  9. another mvp- i dont think so

    fials mvp- yeah

    rings-of course

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