
Will kobe leave the NBA for europe?

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its really hard to believe, but if u think about it, whats the max the lakers could really offer the dude, prolly 25 million a year. there close to signing bynum for 5 yrs 80 mil and got gasols big contract.there wont be much money left over. so how could he possibly leave an extra 25 mil on the table?




  1. ARE YOU CRAZY!!! h**l no kobe wont play in europe.... kobe plays cuz of competition first, then money.... Yeah money is very important to him, but he also lives for the competition

  2. no lol why do u think people from Europe are leaving to play in the NBA? For the competition and the money that is not in Europe!

  3. hes not going to leave.. cap is at 20 million so they cant even give him 25. he wants to stay where the best competition is and that is the nba

  4. Yes he said he is considering it. Who would want to pass up with a 50 million/annum pay. Do the math that's tons of money compared to less than 20 million he's earning right now, especially with him getting more older the move to Europe will definitely benefit his aging body.


  5. I hope so, so that the Lakers could win another title.

  6. Why Don't You Go Ask Him

    And If He Does I Hope His Fans Go With Him So I Can Know Who The Real Laker Fans Are  

  7. If Kobe takes off for Europe...let him. I could care less about Kobe Bryant and wether or not he stays.

    The lakers can't offer more than the max contract, and yes...Europe can offer more, and the Euro is worth more than the Dollar now so it's win-win for Bryant to leave for Europe. Expect the NBA to loose the best in the world eventually, because European leagues don't have a salary cap the way the NBA does, so the talent is going to follow the money and the growing fan base. I wouldn't be surprised to see Baseball, Football and Hockey become the big 3 in the USA because pro basketball falls into nothingness. Everytime a player gets drafted to the NBA, they just wait until the big FA contract time in their career...and bolt for the higher salaries in Europe. Europe and China can pay more money than the NBA can...and there is more interest in basketball there than there is here anymore.

    50 Million Euro's like 70 million us dollars. (roughly speaking).

    So it's really like leaving 45 million a year on the table if he were to stay in the NBA. Then European advertisment deals could push him to be making over 100 million a year without a problem. Then there is European Movies and TV Shows..and that could get him an extra 20 million or so during his playing career and then probably a deal to allow him to make that each year with his own show once he retires.

    Yeah...he's gone to Europe the first chance he gets.

    The NBA will fold within 20 years if the trend continues like that. People will get sick of not seeing the best in the world get to play in the NBA or having to deal with loosing them to Europe after 3-5 years.

    I could care less if Kobe stays or goes.....however...I don't want to see it become a fashion trend that destroys the NBA because of it. There is a good chance that is exactly what happens though.

    Kobe plays in Europe for 5-6 years....between commericals, salary and tv/movie appearances over there....he could be a billionaire by the time he retires, and then make enough money to pay the property tax when he buys his own castle over there each year by just doing a tv show and a movie or two.

    I just don't see Kobe Staying. Financially...the offers in Europe are way too good and he'd make Alex Rodriguez's baseball contract look like chump change in comparison. (which I believe is part of why Kobe is considering the move, because his ego says to him that he's the greatest basketball player ever and so he should be paid like it).  

  8. Kobe Will stay here im sure.

    He wants to be known as the greatest ever in the NBA so i think thats why he will stay

  9. i think their is a very big chance.

  10. this is not an answer but if he gets paid 20mil i think that would be enough if he likes fame he'll stay money he'll go but i agree with the other guy. instead of asking people who dont know much about it, or do but no one really knows. go ask or try to find out about it from people who really know.

  11. doubt it man...

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