
Will labor and delivery be easier this time around?

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I'm 13 1/2 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby. With my first my labor lasted for 13 hours (induced at 39 weeks)....

With my 2nd, lasted for 6 hours(induced at 42 weeks) and with my 3rd, lasted for 16 hours (induced at 38 weeks because of GD). My doctor told me that this 4th would be much easier and quicker...Is this true because it is my 4th? I know im not close to delivery but when she told me that I couldnt stop thinking about is there any truth behind this theory? I hope so!




  1. Every pregnancy and delivery is different. Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends on how the baby will be positioned at the time of delivery. Many things could take place between now and then. One would think after already having 3 children, a fourth would be a walk in the park, but you never know. Good luck with your 4th delivery. Your body at least knows what to do, and surely you know as well and know all the tricks to pushing and breathing by now, so it all depends on you, the baby and whether or not everything is well with the baby at delivery time.

  2. i think so, after 3, he should probably slide out of you!! but again, you were induced for all 3 so you will probably be for this one too, but i believe it gets easier.  

  3. yes because your body has been through it 3 times! with my 1st it was 12 hours, 2nd it was like 4 hours, and the 3rd well she was born by c-sec due to cord wrapped around her neck 2 times. But thats what Ive herd.

  4. Not always. Labor can be so different from baby to baby. My 3rd was my worst labor. My 4th I asked for the epidural early. Good luck.

  5. LOL to the girl who said "slide right out of you"

    Haha that made me laugh :o)

    I honestly wouldn't count on it.  If it is, it is... if not, then not.  My first pregnancy was induced 4 days before the due date and I started having contractions around 11am... she was born at 2:20pm... pushed two times and she was out.  I stayed 2 cm dilated until after 2pm.  They checked me and not even 30 minutes later I was fully dilated.  I started feeling her head pushing between those bones before they even had my legs propped up.  Lol... I was so loopy about the whole thing because it was new to me and it was weird and scarey.  But I do remember saying "You have got to be ******* kidding me!" when they said I was fully dilated.  No prior pregnancies or miscarriages.  I was told to be prepared for hours... maybe I will get a streak of bad luck next go round and end up in labor for 2 days lol...

    As I am sure you know, all pregnancies are different and you might have the easiest delivery... or one worse than the  last 3.  You never know.  Just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best :o)

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