
Will lack of sleep effect your eyes, and tv and computer?

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people always compliment my eyes but almost all day everyday i have the tv on. i even sleep watching it. and im on the computer ALOT. and i only sleep a few hours a day. will that effect how my eyes look? change there color? or effect my eyesight at all?




  1. Yes, it can affect your eyesight...but so can a lot of things like that. TV not so much because youre generally not so close to it. Computer screens people are generally much much closer to, and reading small letters all the time can definately affect your vision.

    Ill give you an example. My mother is a doctor, who before she went to medical school used to have the nickname "eagle eyes" because she had really amazing vision. As she puts it, all the time she spent in medical school with her nose in a book and working on really tiny things just absolutely destroyed her eyesight. She now wears glasses, and has for the past 25 years or so since her residency.

    So yes they can, but not any more, say, than reading a book does.

  2. It can't change the color of your eyes, but, lack of sleep affects your whole body. It can cause blurriness of the eyes.  You have to get more sleep.  People don't realize the affect on the brain that a good nights sleep can cause.  Please get more sleep!!!

  3. You need some reading glasses for the computer. I should go get mine before my eyes get tired. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. It won/t change your color, but it can put a lot of strain on them. When your on the computer your suppose to give your eyes a break and look away from the computer for a few minutes every once in a while.

  5. do you watch tv while you sleep?

  6. Well keep on doing that and you will need glasses soon.

    No they do not change your eyes whatsoever, but they do strain them and will make things hard to focus...

  7. it may change your eyesight slightly, cause it sounds like ur making them work alot, but other than that no changes. try to rest ur eyes more.

  8. In short, 'Yes'

    Lack of sleep can cause severe tiredness and reduce focus in the mind and body, including the eyes. It can also dry the eyes and cause them to redden.

    Too much TV and computer will also have detrimental effects:

    I worked in an office for two years and I noticed in that short space of time that my eyesight deteriorated. It's very common and it's important to give your eyes a rest.

    In our health an safety meet we were taught that every 20 to 30 mins or so we should stare into the distance and unfocus our eyes.

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