
Will laying in the road on a high way kill you?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Only if you don't move when the cars are comin...

  2. if there is a car..yes

  3. No but you will distract the other motorist.

  4. No. But the cars that run over you might.

  5. Depends on how fast you are going when you lay down.

  6. Why do you want to know?

  7. dah? I would say that a person that does this is a few cards short of a deck.

  8. If the cops don't haul you off to the loony bin, before some body who's busy on a cell phone runs over you, then most likely you'll get what you're asking for.

  9. No.

  10. no....but if a car hits you your chances are a lot higher.  =0)

  11. if there is cars comming towards you then yes lol if there are no cars then no you will not die lmao

  12. Yes, one should expect to be dead immediately.  They may also cause other innocent motorists to die in the process.

    It's not worth it. . .

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