
Will leaving my FM transmitter plugged into my cigarette lighter while the car is off do anything?

by  |  earlier

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It's a regular ole FM transmitter for my iPod which plugs into the cigarette lighter. If I take it out, the LEDs turn off but if I turn the car off and leave it plugged in, they stay on. Is this using up my car's battery or anything significant like that, or is it fine to just leave it plugged in?




  1. i will kill your battery duh

  2. If you go on vacation for a week or 2 pull it out, but otherwise its not harmful to your car unless your battery is old and needs replacing anyway.

  3. my sister leaves her FM transmitter always on and had never problems, they use about 50mA which is less thn the normal stand by power of a car, so unless your leaving the car off for weeks or month the plugged in FM transmitter won't hurt

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