
Will letters still arrive if the postcode is wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Will letters still arrive to the correct address if the final letter in a postcode is off?




  1. Yes you will receive it. If the error in the postcode makes it invalid it will rejected by the automatic sorter and someone will have to determine what the problem is and look up the correct postcode.

  2. It all depends how alert the postman is.

    Normally it with find the address OK and will over ride the post code.

  3. Yes if its the same postman who is used to whos living where  ,,

  4. yeah it will be recieved i recieve letters with the right letters and numbers of the postcode but mixed up  so say my post code was lu7 8yq it would look like l7u q8y and i still get letters..... it may take a little longer thou ?

  5. If the rest of the address is clearly marked, yes it will get there without problems.

  6. Yes, ive had letters delivered with the wrong postcode or with a letter or number missing.

  7. Yes it will, just takes a bit longer.

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