
Will libs stop using "McSame" and start calling him "McChange"?

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Obama is supposed to be change yet picks Joe Biden as his VP?




  1. Probably not any sooner than cons will stop using "nobama". Come on, isn't this name calling getting silly?

  2. People just don't get it. The change is in regards to policies, not personalities. Obama is about changing the policies that George W Bush has had in place for the past 8 years.


  3. How about we just call him McCain?

  4. Yea right!!

    He picks an anti abortionist that is extreme, your damned right we can still call him what he is, The same piece of c**p we have put up with for the last 8 years.

    For Christ sake, he's sided with Bush 90% of the time ....... McSAME TO THE MAX.

    You really want a war budget busting president in there who only looks after the fat cat that doesn't give a c**p about you or the horse you rode in on again?

    Get real!




  5. NO.  They can only spell and say what they see on CNN (communist news network) or ABC  (another Barrock company)

  6. They should! This is going to come as a real shocker to some Democrats, but President Bush is not running for re-election. And, the President does not have a vote in the Senate, so the lie that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time is absurd. Democrats would just assume make up statistics though, and hope they stick with the dumb masses.

    Here are a series of key issues on which Bush and McCain did not agree:

    - McCain fought for campaign finance reform — McCain-Feingold — that Bush resisted and ultimately signed because he had no choice.

    - McCain led the battle to restrict interrogation techniques of terror suspects and to ban torture.

    - McCain went with Joe Lieberman on a tough measure to curb climate change, something Bush denies is going on.

    - McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts when they passed.

    - McCain urged the Iraq surge, a posture Bush rejected for years before conceding its wisdom.

    - McCain favors FDA regulation of tobacco and sponsored legislation to that effect, a position all but a handful of Republican senators oppose.

    - McCain's energy bill, also with Lieberman, is a virtual blueprint for energy independence and development of alternate sources.

    - After the Enron scandal, McCain introduced sweeping reforms in corporate governance and legislation to guarantee pensions and prohibit golden parachutes for executives. Bush opposed McCain's changes and the watered-down Sarbanes-Oxley bill eventuated.

    -McCain has been harshly critical of congressional overspending, particularly of budgetary earmarks, a position Bush only lately adopted (after the Democrats took over Congress).

    McCain has often differed with his Republican colleagues, and has even furthered his "Maverick" reputation by selecting an unconventional VP in Palin, who also has a reputation for standing up against her own party, fighting for the people and against corruption and government as usual. In contrast, Obama (Most Liberal Senator 2007), consistently voted along the Democratic Party Line, and now makes the same old promises politicians have made for decades. He even picked a life-long politician in Biden (35 years as Senator) to be his running mate. Is this change we can believe in?

  7. How about just "McCain"? I'm tired of these little derisive nicknames the parties have for each other's candidates.

  8. It would just be pleasant and polite if both men were called by their proper names!!!!!!!!  

  9. Right.... because "change" is completely dependent upon the oh so powerful office of Vice President, right?

    The measure of change is in what the candidate will implement as policy.  Who the VP is has nothing to do with policy, unless the President is removed from office.

    When trying to draw a conclusion from a set of facts, try to have your "facts" at least marginally related to the conclusion you're trying to push.

  10. I do not call McCain McShame. I call him by his name. and I'm not going to call him McChange either, because he's not. McSame is more befitting of him. he picked a woman but he still has given up those outdated republican ideas.

  11. Whats wrong with Joe???? Lol look at what mcfag pick as his VP lol he is the dumbass

  12. I don't call him McSame. I sure as h**l won't call him McChange, because that's just laughable.

    I'll just carry on calling him McPOW.

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