
Will love come or do you have to go and get it?

by Guest32471  |  earlier

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Will love come or do you have to go and get it?




  1. Go get it. And if that doesn't work, go get it. And if that doesn't work, amass a huge amount of information and interests. Get to know yourself inside out, likes and dislikes, so that when the opportunity arises you have all the confidence and self-respect you'll need to attract a woman. Then if she isn't interested, it will be less of a blow because you'll be able to look ahead to the next one.  

  2. I think this should be both. When the love comes, we should go for it no matter what other people say. We should follow what our heart says because we don't know when will this love come back again.

  3. I think it's a little of both.  You have to put yourself out there, but you don't have to make it your mission in life to find someone.  Having patience is a good thing.  When the right person comes along, that's when you work to bring them in. =)

  4. When the time is right love will come.

  5. Like a flu.......either of you get eachother.

  6. Love does not just arrive on your door step, you do have to make an effort to go out and look for it sometimes it will just happen but it also takes a lot of hard work.

  7. Your  chances  of  finding  love  are  much  better  while  you  are  young;  you  have  many  more  choices.  The  older  you  get,  the  fewer  choices  you'll  have.  So,  if  I  wanted  love,  I'd  spend  time  in  prayer,  praying  to  God.  Then  read  and  study  the  Holy  Bible.  Then  I'd  find  churches  with  good  Singles  meetings  and  attend  those  on  a  regular  basis.  You'll  find  a  better  selection  at  church  functions.  Volunteer  to  do  things  around  the  church,  it  will  be  good  for  your  self-esteem.  Or  help  out  at  Red Cross  and  places  like  that.  It  always  makes  you  feel  really  good  to  be  helping  others  who  are  less  fortunate  than  you  and  you  just  might  meet  a  nice  girl  that  way  also.  It  happened  to  me.  I  met  a  wonderful  guy  and  we  were  eventually  married.


  8. Was thinking the same thing. should come right?

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