
Will making yoga compulsory in schools, help building a clean youth?

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Will making yoga compulsory in schools, help building a clean youth?




  1. If it makes it compulsory, yes it gives lot as there has been no word to express what the children would get out of it. Very good in implementing yoga in schools. It gives concentration, good health, etc.

  2. There is always a time to do yoga. In schools they cannot adhere to that.  Still it would be beneficial as PE.

  3. ya we will make that as its cleanse our inner soul.

  4. If the youths are already dirty no amount of yoga can clean them. Maybe they can take shower before going to school to practice clean yoga.

  5. Making kids do anything might help a little, but you've got to get to their families in order for it to stay with them. They will continue to do what their parents think is important, and they will not appreciate being forced to do something that their families don't like.

  6. definatel try urself ..u bcome dirty n do yoga u ll become stilll dirty ..u do yoga n become dirty ..u wont become dirty ..therefore do yoga n then b dirty u wont bcome dirty ..once u beccome dirty u cant do yaga ..if u do yoga u ll become more n more dirty ..

  7. anything made mandatory generally makes people detest the cause. voluntary serivces always catches the eye.

  8. Atleast it gives a good health to the children.Healthy mind rest in a healthy body.Yoga should be a compulsory in schools.Definitely next generation will become very active.

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