
Will man ever land on uranus?

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I foresee two possibilities. One, coming face to face with Uranus would put man into shock and he'd simply pass out. Or two, the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe!

Granted, that's a worse case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.




  1. you're a crappy teacher.  Technically it's not a continuum according stephen hawking or string theory but Uranus is a gas giant which isn't surprising considering the innuendo.

  2. depends if you have some swarfiga, it doesnt hurt

  3. I think you should fire your science teacher.

  4. man shouldnt be landing on another man's uranus. now if it were a female uranus, thats another story.

  5. That would really suck if that did happen. But Uranus is a gassy planet (not farting planet! It means Uranus doesn't have a solid surface) so you cant really "land on it", and a time paradox would be cool! u know,if Uranus was the answer to time travel...

  6. Any man comes near my a**s will end up in hospital!

    Now, as far as a womans a**s... That is okay by me!

  7. i've seen some of your opinions on the moon landing, and i'm dissapointed enough already with that. but how could any supposed "self taught scientist" think that we could land on uranus. if you knew the first thing about the planet, you would know that it is a gas giant. the only solid part is its core. the rest is liquid gas, or just gas. we couldn't land on that. and spacetime destroying the universe?! what kind of books did you read? landing on a planet will not warp the space time continuum. its obvious you do not have a PhD in astrophysics like i do. and if you don't then you have no ground to call the moon landing fake.

    how exactly do you think it would make "a space time paradox"? that makes no sense whatsoever. landing a half a ton probe on uranus is no where near enough to "rip space time apart". the object would have no be more massive than a black hole in order to come close to that. its nonsense. you might want to check your sources in these books you taught yourself with.

  8. we sounds like you know your stuff but Uranus is a gas planet and to get to it wouldn't we have to pass the huge planet Jupiter? it's gravitational pull might be to much for us for centuries.

  9. Well Dr.MoonF...  those are big fanticies man landing on Uranus because Uranus is a gaint ball of gass and the rocky core is too far in the gasses. Maybe the plobes may go in and be a part of Uranus just like one probe that is a part of Jupiter. But I don't think that man ever land on Uranus.

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