I have decided that I will tell my husband that if he does not get (and keep) a job he and his mother will have to move out.
I got our house after we married then the two of them moved in from another state. Before they moved he was not working but she was working a temp job which she had for about a month or two. It was the understanding that the three of us would work once they got here, but soon after they arrived she told me she intended on being retired (shes 65) and he said since he is an aspiring athlete in training he didn't have the energy to work also. I couldn't be mad at her because she is paying the utilities with here social security and besides she and I never actually discussed her working, I just thought he and she had discussed it. I have told my husband that I am stressed out because I don't make nearly enough to pay the rent and other bills including my cellphone (neither of them have one) and putting gas in the car. I have told him I need him to work, but each time it ends in an argument. So I have decided to give him a choice, he works he stays, he doesn't work he doesn't stay.
I have already talked to the landlord and told them to be prepared for us to leave at the end of September, because my husband does not do ultimatums. My name is on the lease I am the only one who signed it, but my husband and mother-in-law are both listed as occupants. If they refuse to leave after I leave at the end of September can the management company sue me?