
Will marijuana show up on an accutane blood test?

by  |  earlier

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I want to smoke marijuana but I am on accutane and have to get blood tests every 4 weeks. I am getting another one in like a week. Will it show up on my blood test?




  1. yes

  2. OH Yes.....

    They can even get a positive from a test if you have consumed anything containing poppy seeds - bagel, certain breads etc...

    Its one or the other sorry to say.

    Some drug testing can be deemed ethically invasive but there are good reasons for these tests

  3. Yup


  4. h**l yea

    with today technology, it show every d**n things there is in your body with a blood test

  5. Yes....There's only a few drugs that wont. And good luck finding them.

  6. yes it will but it depends on how long ago it happened

  7. h**l yes.

  8. I thought they had to specifically test for marijuana to find it.  When you get blood tests for accutane they are looking at your liver enzyme levels and your cholesterol levels.  I smoke as well as do other things occasionally and they have never said anything to me, then again I am an adult and what I do on my recreational time is no business of my derm's.  To the person who so nicely answered yes then put loser on the bottom of their post, are you serious?  Is your life that bad that you have to call a complete stranger a loser?  

  9. Not unless they test for it, only the tests the run will show up...

  10. Yes since you have blood tests every week it will definitely show up as I have run these tests before on patients and it always shows up , as has been already said there is a number of drugs that will not show up on  accutane  but they are very hard to find

    so i would not advise taking the marijuana as todays technology is very advance.

  11. Im smoking right now

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