
Will mccain restore order to the whitehouse by invading iran?

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bring it on




  1. No. If he is elected and does invade Iran he will only worsen the already dubious reputation of the USA in foreigh affairs.

  2. I don;t think invading Iran would restore order to the Whitehouse. We're already streached thin in Iraq and Aphganistan and thats depleting our economy by millions . And with the conflict in Georgia to drain even more troops and money I'ld say the last thing we need is to consider invading anyone .I for one am not thrilled by either candidate. We need a President that really cares for the American people ....

  3. How in the world do you even GET from "invading Iran" to "restoring order in the White House".

    What is the chain of logic that you're using?

  4. like hitler restoring order to poland and france. why is it wrong for russia to invade, and not wrong for the states to do it?

    who are the only people to vaporize children with nukes?

  5. 200 man detachment of U.N. Peacekeepers  and handguns to delegates then a U.N. Resolution to prevent handgun use and then a call to Washington Police and The Riot Squad  when as usual The U.N. does not act. If question is joke as thought.

  6. Perhaps Iran could invade the White House and restore order.

  7. ROFL depends on what you consider "restoring order"


    He'll authorize another "Operation Northwoods" and blame it on Iran this time.

    Hopefully, America won't buy it a second time.

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