
Will me and my gf last a liftime?

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I love my girlfriend more than life its self but i am only 14 but i would like this to last forever and yes i no the chance of that is really unlikeley at my age but i want to b that one couple that last all the way what do u think?




  1. it really can work. if you both really feel that way, just keep it steady and dont get bored. but also dont go too fast. good luck

  2. Not if you promise to take her out and then fall asleep.  Stupid man of mine... he's lucky he can cook

  3. The best way to making a relationship work is through communication. Once you have that, there should be problems. Things like if you feel there's a small problem, don't let other problems pile on top and let it explode. you Talk to her. Vice versa for her. Give her trust, she give you hers. Respect of each other's space,  

  4. It can work.  My boyfriend and I have been together since we were 12.  You just have to work harder at it, and allow yourself to grow up together.  You and her both might change over time,  but if you truly love each other, you will be able to accept others changes.  Good Luck :)

  5. Time will tell.

  6. if you guys are really commited then sure its possible

  7. aaaawwwwwww

  8. what you're going through right now is beautiful puppy love. it is not impossible for you and your girlfriend to last a lifetime.. but that definitely takes a lot of patience. love..compassion. maybe during the relationship there will be times where the road is rocky, but you guys have to stand strong and stick together to walk it through. trust and communication is the key to a long lasting relationship. and like others have mentioned.. dont' take things too fast. the slower you take things the longer the road. :)

  9. its really just up to you guyz, like if you dont leave your options open then you'll mostlikely be unhappy in the end. but if you still love her by the time your old engouh to get married then ya that'd be cool

    like everyone wants to meet the person that they'll last a lifetime w/them but its hard now adays cause people get soo unhappy soo easily.

    good luck on that.....

  10. I met my fiance when i was 15 and he was 16. (he turned 17 a week after we met) We knew very early on that we loved each other very much and were meant to spend our lives together. We got engaged when I was 17 and he was 18. Now I'm 21 and he's almost 23. Do the math.. we've been together for almost 6 years! We're planning to get married within the next year or two. So yes, it can happen if you put forth the effort. Always talk about your feelings openly with her so that you both always know how things you do bothers or doesn't bother her and vice versa. Keep communication an important factor. Trust is also a HUGE part of a working relationship. Hope she's the one for you and you have a happy life together! (:

  11. Well first off, you sound like you really care about this girl and i admire your ambition and commitment :) but i want you to think for a sec, what is your definition of "love"? Because love is not that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you think abut them, or the way you feel s if the world would end if they started dating someone else. its the way you treat them, with respect and kindness, no matter what their flaws. the way you put them above yourself and your desires. think about how you would treat them if they were to hurt you, would you ignore them? get mad and yell at them? or would you tell them that they urt you, explain why and realize that they aren't perfect? what I'm trying to say is, alot of people look at love the wrong way, they think that because they really like someone, its love and it will last. it doesn't. a marriage needs to be built on a deep understanding of one-anothers flaws, and forgiveness when the other one messes up. it needs compatibility, and trust. you need to know the person, know their limits, and respect them. know that they dont need to tell you everything about their lives. give them space. if your 14, think of it this way, you have alot more time than most to start the foundation of a lasting and loving relationship. i personally would usually say that you are to young to date, because even with you as mature as you sound, i think you would do well to wait on the girlfriends. but if you really mean it, then try to build up a good foundation. and since you are only dating, remember that you dont have to call her every day, and if you go a week without speaking, it ok, you aren't obligated to spend every minute together. that can actually be bad anyway because everyone needs space. i appretiate that there is a guy out there that actualy cares, and wants to be that one couple. that girl is lucky :)  

  12. well me n my bf have been togther since we were 15, we r now in our early twentys own our own house and are gettin married in a couple of yrs so yes it can work :-) good luck


  13. i can work if its a realy stong love and if you ever come acrost any arguments, its always best to solve it calmy, and then do somethink nice for her

  14. honestly?  i doubt it.  you're too young to be that serious.  i married my first boyfriend, but i was 23 when we started dating, not 14.

  15. if you both want to last that long then do it.. but we all were that in love at 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18... most people will have many loves throughout their lives before they are with the one, so sometimes its nice to accept you want to love that person forever, but its not the end of the world if you dont..  

  16. Hi, I'm almost seventeen years old.

    I'm happy for you that you found the type of love that will last a lifetime!! So many people look for the immensity of love and unfortunately a lot of people find it hard to find. Age certainly doesn't define when you're suppose to fall in love; we just do! I can honestly say that when I was a bit younger than you I thought I found the Love of my life when I was thirteen. Unfortunately, it didn't work out but in my heart I will always have a place for him.

    Did you ever hear of this quote; "Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds" By Shakespeare? It portrays that when things get hard and when things change, True Love remains the same. I'm happy for you that you found that type of love with your girlfriend. Don't let anyone bring you down because of it! In your heart if you feel that it's pure and deep love that is shared between the two of you, therefore it will last a lifetime. True love is meant to stay forever. I believe in fate and soul-mates so much; I only wish you the best of luck!! You sound very mature for your age!!!

    Best Of Luck Always!!!


    - Amanda.

  17. no I'm sorry bud it wont, as u grow up and get older (become an adult) u will change, she will change, you both will develop interests in other things and as a result other people. right now u think u want to be together forever but in 3 years u will be wanting to be with and hang out with other girls as they will naturally interest u more than your present GF. U both will grow apart from each other, its normal.

  18. Shes cheating on you dude... sorry I had to be the one to break it to you..

  19. i hope so!!!!  

  20. Only time will tell if you guys will last a lifetime. I know it has happened.  You have to keep the relationship interesting, keep it new and keep it real.  Also, don't spend every waking minute together, time apart is good, it makes you appreciate one another that much more!  Spend time doing the things YOU love and the things you BOTH love.  Have your own interests.  Take it one day at a time and see what happens.  Feelings change as we get older as well.  :)  Good luck!

  21. I started dating my boyfriend at 13 and now I'm 17. I'm fat, white, and freckly. My boyfriend is hott and dark [mexican]. Many hott chicks have hit on him and told him c**p about me and how they think he deserves better. He ignored them and still loves me to this day. Just don't let anyone talk you out of your own heart and appreciate her to the best of your ability. Nothing is for certain...and don't listen to statistics because life is full of the unexpected. You may or may not last a lifetime...let fate choose and just be happy with what you have for now. Worry about the present because in a few years you're going to wish you could go back...take nothing for granted. Be happy and live with no regrets!!!!

  22. Leave her..enjoy your life you wont be young forever

  23. The biggest reason this is so rare, is that at 14, you are still far from the adult you will be.  You have a lot of physical, mental, and emotional growing still to come; plus, a lot of changes in your life, from changing schools, starting college, learning to live on your own, getting a job -- all this will change you also, as you are exposed to new people, new circumstances, new ideas.  The two of you may no longer be a good match after that, unless you happen to change in complementary ways.  

    Worrying about what the future holds for your relationship can also put it at risk -- or make you lose your enjoyment of it now.  So, my best advice: enjoy what you have right now. Don't worry too much about how you might feel next week, or in a year, or 6 years; you might find when you're 20, that you have a completely different outlook on life than you do now, and that you're far happier in different circumstances than you could have imagined at 14.

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