
Will metal melt if u heat it up to just below its melting point and sustain that for a while?

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  1. no, thats why its called the melting point....need to reach that temperature in order for it to melt

  2. it's true that the metal doesn't melt, but also keep in mind that at different temperatures the metal will have different characteristics.

    Steel holding up a building for instance is quite strong at room temperature, however the strength can vary greatly at differing temperatures, also depending on the grade of steel.  So for a building to fall over, you don't have to melt the steel, just get the steel hot enough to where it no longer has the strength to hold up the building.

  3. No it won't and I actually looked this up yesterday and the melting/freezing point for metal/steel is 1750 F according to US Steel

  4. Supposedly, no, but remember: Science is experimental.  All the melting points you find in a book are all based off experimental data and in addition, there are many factors ranging from the equipment you use to measure the temperature to the surrounding pressure around it.    

    For example, water boils at a lower temperature on mountaintops than on the seaside.  The same thing happens for all elements/compounds, it's just water is more observable.

  5. Melting point depends on the surrounding pressure, since liquids take up a little more space than solids and you can "squash" the metal solid even at a higher temperature, or it could melt at very low pressure and slightly lower temperature (that's how pressure cookers work).

    Another thing: how well does the metal absorb the heat and emits it? If you give it enough heat and don't let it radiate off, then it might cross the melting point.

    Otherwise, if it stays at a temperature below the melting point it would not melt. The atoms would absorb the heat and re-emit it off without the bonds breaking.

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