
Will middle class be a thing of the past?

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  1. Middle class is defined as anyone who makes between $35,000 a year and one million a year.  That's 90% of Americans even though I don't understand how that's all the same category.

  2. If we continue to talk about destroying the rich, we will only have middle class.

  3. Are you kidding?

    The fortunate educated will always want to keep power.  In my view, they are the worst people.  That's because they write the books to stir the revolutions, so they can become the new upper class.

    Look at the French revolution, Russian and Iranian.  All caused by the middle classes.  They stand on the working classes so they can squash us in order to reach the top.

  4. I believe it'll be Rich and Poor

  5. It seems to be the case. We are living in an era where we are experiencing the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen. The middle class is being squeezed. less opportunity for college education, fuel, home and living costs sky rocketing, an unfunded war that will have to be paid back and a favorable tax rate for the wealthy.

  6. electing obana   yes

    middle class will disappear

  7. i believe it already is

  8. The middle class is being squeezed closer and closer to the poor, while the wealthy get wealthier.

  9. Yes,it is only holding on by multiple income households and credit cards.

  10. It is already a thing of the past.  Show me 20 comfortable and sound children of the middle class.

  11. no

  12. nope

    in India and China the middle class are getting bigger.

  13. no.

  14. never

  15. it's quickly becoming so...  Gas prices are eating the wallets of the middle class.  The rich have so much money they're not greatly affected, the middle class is being destroyed, and the poor are refraining from driving now moreso than they used to be.  It's the same way with Groceries, Electricity, etc...  The middle class is merging with the poor.


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