
Will military service and nursing soon be the only viable careers in the United States?

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Will military service and nursing soon be the only viable careers in the United States?




  1. Don't forget Security Forces and Credit Cards

    When me'un slick are in charge of Change we will give you lots of credit.

  2. The way things are going now? Probably.

    I have no desire to be military or nursing. I have my own destiny to chart.

  3. Wow. The Democratic and media brainwashing really worked on you didn't it?

    America is the most prosperous Nation on Earth with the most opportunities. You're lucky to be here so stop whining.

  4. If republicans keep shipping jobs overseas.  


  5. if democrats keep punishing business for making money here----they outsource the jobs.-----we need more manufacturing jobs.

  6. I use to think that the service industries were immune to outsourcing - until I called a few "American" companies for tech service - that premise has proved no longer true either.

    I don't know what's going to be left for careers if the present trend isn't broken.

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