
Will mining the solar system increase our standard of living?

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or will it create a world of haves and have-nots




  1. Good Question

  2. I am sure that in our lifetime space travel is going to be limted to the super rich and scientists

  3. i think we all should move into space and the moon, then we can farm the planet and any major disaster wouldnt take us all out. (unless its the death of the sun, black hole, ect.)

  4. Doing such an event like this would definitely contaminate the earth and probably make it uninhabitable to the human being. Think about the cold virus, there is no cure for it. So what would be be bringing into our atmosphere that we are not aware of?

  5. The answer  is yes and maybe.

    Seriously--the resources and industrial potential of space is fantastic.  When it gets going--will won't be for a while, obviously, it will transform our whole industrial/economic base.  Just the resources we already know of far surpass what's here on earth.  So--its going to tremendously increase economic potential--and thus the standard of living, pretty much for everyone.

    How MUCH the average person shares in that is another matter.  Here;s an example:  In th e18 th century, the British got the industrial revolution started--mainly because they had both access to resources and the freedom that encouraged innovation.  France,  at the start, was actually MORE advanced and prosperous--but had a highly stratified society with little in the way of opportunity.

    The same will be true of space. Societies that are relatively open  and that allow people to realize real gains will be the winners--and most everyone's standard of living will rise.  Societies tha timpose too many restrictions on individuals will fall by the wayside, even if they are the most advanced in the beginning.

  6. To achieve the goal of 'harvesting' a single spec of dust from planetary sources, has allready required a huge sacrifice of human life. Are we ready to spend away what we hold to be the utmost value?

  7. The issue of mining space is a catch 22. With the price of base metals at the moment, mining of the ateroid belt is looking very profitable.

    Nasa has identified a number of asteroids that contain more metal than has been mined on earth in the entireity of history. If a mining company were to mine the asteroids the price would fall due to higher supply. thus making it unprofitable.

  8. for the last 20 years i have had a bumper sticker on my truck



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