
Will moderates vote for an ultra right wing extremist like Palin?

by Guest65560  |  earlier

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She wants to make abortion illegal with no exceptions for RAPE or INCEST? She wants to replace the teaching of evolution with the teaching of creationism??

Having this woman a heartbeat away from the presidency is plain scary. Would moderates or independents reall vote for this right wing extremist?




  1. Yes as a moderate I will vote for McCain/Palin. You obviously don't know much about how our government works.  She cannot make those decisions without the consent  of the house, senate and supreme court.

  2. McCain is the actual presidential candidate.  And he is moderate.  He works with everyone even those outside his party.  And I do agree that abortion should be illegal.

  3. Please supply a legitimate link.  Something other than Huffington Post or an Obama website.

  4. She will have no say in the abortion issue, and neither will the president.  This issue is a smokescreen to avoid the REAL issues, in this election.  Most people are hypocrites on abortion anyway.  If you support ANY exceptions, you are pro-choice!

    I am with her on the teaching of creation.  Evolution is a bogus and unprovable "science"!

    There is no candidate anywhere that will perfectly mesh with the expectations of any one voter - but I would give Palin a solid A-!

    You should be more concerned with Pelosi's position.

  5. people vote for President not Vice-President.

    McCain-Palin 08  

  6. For those of you not worried about the abortion issue in Palin.  There is a chance a future president could choose up to 3 new supreme court justices.  It should definitely be a consideration.

    She also thinks global warming is a myth.  Scary stuff.

  7. I am a Libertarian Republican (moderate) that will always vote towards the middle right, as in the case of McCain/Palin, before I would ever even consider casting a ballot to the hard left for Obama/Biden.

    Look some little insignificant liberal ran through here and gave us all thumb's down, boo hoo.

  8. Buddy she can't make abortion illegal, that decision is left to supreme court judges.


  9. >>>She wants to make abortion illegal with no exceptions for RAPE or INCEST?>>>

    She simply wants unborn babies to stop being killed.  What's "extremist" about that?  

    A person isn't "extremist" simply because their opinion on abortion isn't the same as yours!

    Meanwhile, Obama has voted 3 times to allow babies to die after they survive outside the womb after an abortion attempt.  

    With that in mind, who's the "extremist" here?   That's nothing but infanticide, sister.

    >>>She wants to replace the teaching of evolution with the teaching of creationism??>>>

    False!   Read the Wikipedia article on her.

    It clearly says that she wants BOTH to be mentioned in school.   She does not want to "replace" or remove anything.

    Facts.  They are troublesome things sometimes -- especially to liberals.


  10. Considering congress has single digit approval ratings i think all Americans would welcome someone who has a history of throwing bums out for corruption!

  11. She doesn't agree with abortion but never said she would try to make it illegal either.

  12. Why are you lying. She has never said anything about making abortion illeagal.

    She is more of an independent, with republican views, on republican ticket.

    Obama promised Change, and pick 25+ year senator,

    MccCain chooses someone new, someone who is a Maverick like him.

    McCain is offering the change in politics, Obama is preaching about.

    Action is louder than words. Both of these Candidates have a record of action, Obama is simply office hopping.

  13. Ohhhh you poor widdle thing.  All you have is a rock star and an old man.  Here, have a cookie.

  14. I like what she wants to do.  GO PALIN <3

  15. More likely than voting for a left-wing extremist like Obama who has the most radical left-wing voting record in the Senate and Biden who ranks third on radical left-wing voting.  

  16. Hello?  Yes, I will.  Much better right wing than Socialist.

  17. first of all, neither of those statements are honest. Second of all, Osama is way higher than Palin on the "extremist" scale. Palin is just a good ole fashion conservative.

  18. Very scary!!!  She is a woman, but it's against womens' rights. so go figure....

  19. McCain is going to be the president and he has moderate views. I think it was a smart pick by McCain to pick Sara Palin. I like her views on politics-- including the idea that abortion should be illegal. I honestly don't think this will hurt McCain with moderate voters.

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