
Will motilium (domperidone) make me hungry?

by  |  earlier

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i think its supposed to speed up the emptying of your stomach into ur intestines... so, will it make me hungry if i take it? i feel sick but dont want to be hungry.




  1. Domperidone is usually used in conjunction with a varitey of other drugs to form a cocktail used to supress nausea and vomiting. Domperidone alone will not stimulate your appitite. It's usually used in the treatment of parkensons for that very reason. In certian cases doctors have perscribed other "medications" to stimulate one's appitite...such as perscription refer! If you are on Domperidone however i would advise AGAINST any sort of stimulants untill you talk to your doctor or know the effects of the 2 drugs together. (Domperidone has also been known to cause increased lactation, weird huh?! lol) hope i helped! here is a jargon intense link

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