
Will motorcycle dealers and repair shops hire mechanics with training from local Voc Tech school?

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My son wants to go to MMI in order to be motorcycle mechanic. But he is getting Voc rehab with our state and they do not want to pay for MMI. They say a local voc tech school that has a diploma in Powersports equipment engine repair will be sufficient. Is this really going to be comparable to what he would get at MMI and will dealers and shops hire him with this training?




  1. I am not to sure about the motorcycle industry but I went to a Voc Tech school and soon as I left the school the first dealership I went to put me to work. I was in the automotive industry. Once my foot was in the door the dealership even sent me for more training in a feild that they wanted me for. It does open up the doors and the school usually back up there graduates with endorsements. The catch is to go to a school that has a rep. There rep will open the doors for you. Plus score the best grades and rep you can in the school.

  2. MMI & Wyotech have a job placement service.

    Employment is guaranteed after graduation (they get a kick back).

    If shops in your area are hurting for workers, you'll be lucky to start out at minimum wage as an assembler (remove bikes from shipping crates and prep them for sale - battery, gas, oil).

    Walk into shops and ask the service manager what are the requirements for employment.

  3. There is a motorcycle school in AZ that both the kids in my hood went to.

    Shops fight over them.

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