
Will moving every 3 years with the Army be bad for my son

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We won't be moving for a while now (3-ish years) but later in life when he makes friends at a new post then moves, then makes friends at that post then moves. I'm afraid he's going to have issues later in life staying in one place. I know he'll be around other Army brats but I've heard from them they can't stay settled in one place too long even as adults.

Any thoughts?




  1. I have three children and we are in state #3. My girls miss there friends, but they can always keep in touch! Sending letters, phone calls, emails, and maybe some visits. You never know when you may be stationed at the same post again also! My girls always seem to get right back to making new friends. The experience they get from traveling with the military is amazing!

  2. This has been a problem for mothers for millinea!

    Some children do have problems staying put for very long at a time after they grow up. They have the tradition of moving every 3 or so years.

    Then there are the others that once they get "planted" get very very root bound and won't even go to the town limits!

    Most of the "Army Brats" I know are raising more "Army Brats" just as they were raised. It becomes the tradition in their families.

    Much better to move the kids around than to be raised by a single parent barely making it and being all stressed all the time.

  3. You'd be suprised at how well children do adapt.  Your son will know no difference. Don't let peoples horror stories get to you.  Just give him stability at home with a loving nurturing enviroment with you and your husband.  When they get older, they'll buck a little bit sometimes but thats when you get them involved in activites at your new location, even act like tourist to get to know the area.  Where ever you are, you just have to make an effort to make it feel like home.

  4. No. Your son won't have any problem moving around every three years. If your son has grown up with it then it won't be a problem. I lived with it and I loved it,

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