
Will moving my cats litter box make her mad?

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I have a cat that is by my side unless she's taking a nap under our covers on our bed. She sleeps with me and follows me everywhere. She's always pee'd on the carpet but not as much as she used to over the past 2 years. When we moved to our new house and got new carpet I was determined to keep it clean. I put her litter box in our bathroom and if she pee's I give her a treat. She hasn't been very consistent lately. I want to move it because we really can't take the litter on our clean feet anymore. I have rugs around her box she's just very messy. If I put it in the basement (with the other 2 boxes) where she poops will she pee on the carpet more?




  1. Have you ever gotten her tested for a urinary tract infection?

    Going outside of the litterbox is a classic symptom of UTIs because the cat associates the box with the pain they feel when they pee, so they go other places.

  2. Sound like you cat might have a medical problem and you should take her to the vet.

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

  3. It should be fine but you may need to keep putting her in it so she remembers where it is. Cats do get a bit cranky when things are changed so she might decide to pee on the carpet anyway. If you put surgical spirits on the spot she's peed on it will deter her from going back to the same place and doing it again. Good Luck!

  4. Cats should follow the smell of the litter tray, im not saying that yours smells, but it will to your cat, she should follow her own scent, maybe if you move it from the bathroom, then to just outside, then to the next room, then to the basement etc, if you do it gradually, she should be fine.  

    We have a kitten and he has picked it up really quickly, each time we have moved it.

    Hope you succeed.  

  5. I have a huge budda dome and it cuts the amount of litter that comes out. Cause its sealed and it has stairs to walk in to the liter box. then I have a mat infront I mean you are gonna get lose litter out side but not as much try changing your liter. I use Pine liter pellets Its so much better My cat takes dumps worse then my hubby (he eats his and the dogs food) and we still only have to change it once a week. PLUS its better for you and the cat. clay litters have chemicals in it to try and keep the order down and to help with the absorbency. When you dump the liter in the box and you get that dust its not safe for you to breath it. the pine stuff never has dust. Is the cat peeing in one spot if so try putting the liter box there. You can try moving it but yes she might get worse. You might have to try punishing the cat when she pees out of the box and you catch it. You can give a LITTLE light slap on the butt. NOT HARD. just a tap and YELL sternly NO! BAD! when she uses the box keep up the treats but give her attention pet her and hug her and say good girl in a calm reassuring voice. My cat use to scratch the tv stand I tried the bitter bit but both my pets like it. I tried repel sprays that did not work. Finally I gave inand patted his bottom when he did it saying no when he used the scratching post I hugged and kissed him and say good boy. This might work for you cause you mentioned how attacthed your cat is. Mine is aswell he sleeps on my pillow on my head at night. We flea bathed him last night and I am pregnant so I had  to keep pushing him away and he was upset and was crying. I felt so bad but the flea bath residual can harm the baby.  

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