
Will moving next Harry Potter movie date affect...?

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...sales for the movie like it for Chronicles of Narnia?

They're moving the release date from this fall to next summer, and I wonder if this will diminsh its sales potential pitted agains other blockbuster movie releases. I knew Narnia's move would damage the sales for it (its a wonderful winter movie but they put that blasted Golden Compass in its place instead) and its sales were pitiful...I bet Narnia would have been fine if left in its winter release slot. Anyway, how do you think it'll affect Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Prince?




  1. Harry Potter will squash everything in its path, no question.  It's going to be mega, and probably enter the top 10 highest grossing of all time just like the other  Potter films.

  2. I would imagine sales would be even higher during the summer as many will have more free time and would go back and see it several times. I know I will!

    Food for thought.


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