
Will my 10yr. old cat ever like my new kitten?

by  |  earlier

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The noise my older cat makes is frightening she sounds like Lucifer and any time she sees the new kitten she runs away and holds fort in the basement if the door is open. Should I allow her to run away? Or should I close the door and keep her upstairs?

She allows me to pet her but hisses and makes her Lucifer noise. The kitten pretty much ignores the older cat and keeps his distance. For now I try to keep them apart the kittens food and litter are in my bedroom while the older cats food and litter are in their usual places (the kitchen and basement). Their are times the kitten makes it downstairs. Is there anything else I can do I just need to give it more time as it hasn't been a week yet?




  1. I agree with the first answer.. give it time. It all takes some getting used to. Cats are just like humans in many ways and in reasonal ways. They need some time just like do.

  2. Time is the answer. They will will meet on their own terms, in their own time.

  3. Hi there. Relax about it. This is the way cats get their way, and they are putting on their best show.

    Keep them separated for a while. Switch their bedding, so kitten is sleeping on adult's bedding, and adults are sniffing kitten scent. Let them interact when you're present. As long as the adults are actually hurting the kitten, you've got normal behavior.

    I always advocate getting two kittens at a time. Their play is entertaining to the adults, and less aggravating than the kitten trying to play with the adults. However, this will work as well. Just relax enough for all the cats, and read up on cat behavior. Give everyone lots of attention.

    Best of luck, and enjoy!

  4. it cod think your trying to get rid of it

    show it some luv untill it makes frends

    with the new cat

  5. You need to give the older cat more time. Don't make a big fuss over the smaller cat and show the bigger cat that they are both important to you. Make sure you show affection for them both.

    ~Hope this helped~

  6. I was in the same situation. I had a girl cat who was about 9 and i got a new boy kitten. The older cats hissed and just made an awful noises and HATED the kitten. she would go down to the basement too. or go under my moms bed. eventually she stopped doing that. and now the kitten is mean to her. but she is nice to him. she acts like his momy its cute =]  so just give it time. make sure the older cat is given lots of love and attention so it doesnt feel like you are replacing it.

    hope i helped =]  

  7. give it time  

  8. Hey, I'm gonna try answering this the best as possible [srry if it's just wow cos my brain hasn't been working lately but here i go :D ]

    Your older cat probably is just not use to it yet and thinks the kitten is getting all the attention and is taking over his/her territory[dont know if its a boy or girl =P] and I think maybe you should let your old cat just be alone for a lil while like lock him/her where it is now just for a few days I think your old cat just needs some time ....I hope that came out right :D well i'll leave it at that for now ....good luck! :D

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