
Will my 2 month oelds undesended testicles effect the rest of his life?

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My son was born with both testicles undescended. I am worried that he wont be able to have babies. Will they descend on their own?




  1. don't ask HERE....ASK YOUR DOCTOR!

    You'll get just as many answers that he won't be able to as you will get that he CAN...

    that's too much of a MEDICAL question and very personal, and NO ONE HERE can diagnose isn't something to TALK about-it has to be CHECKED OUT by a DOCTOR in case there is a REASON for it!

  2. who told you they have not 'dropped'.....did the Dr tell you this?

    maybe hes just cold, they will practically disappear if hes cold/cold down there!

  3. My son was born with the same problem.  The doctor at the time told me that usually the testicles will come down on their own by the time they were 5 years old.  And if they didn't then they could do surgery and bring them down.  They never did come down on their own so at 5 my son had to have surgery to bring them down and repair a hernia he was also born with.  It was a pretty simple surgery and only required he stay overnight for one night.   So be patient because your sons may descend on their own and if not it is something that can be fixed.

  4. I am a labor and delivery nurse and it common for little boys, they normally drop on their own, but talk to your pediatrician, I am sure she already told you that. When you go back their are other options. Good Luck

  5. My son has this problem, the ped explained that it should descend by the time he is 1 if not then they will do a procedure that only takes a few to pull it down so it wont be any effect to them later in life. Don't worry it sounds worse than it is. Just give it time, it doesn't hurt him.  

  6. This question was just asked;...

  7. You really should be talking to your baby's pediatrician about all of this, not the internet.

  8. No, if the t******e is still there and just undescended, surgery can be performed to bring it down (my son had it when he was 18 months old and no problems since).  If the t******e is not able to be saved you still shouldn't worry, you can have only one t******e and still function normally.  The level of sperm produced should not be effected.  Although, if any remnants of the t******e remain, the chance of cancer is increased.  If you are worried about appearance, when your child gets older, there is such thing as a prosthetic t******e.  Hope this helps, its just stuff I've learned from my own personal experience.  

  9. Don't you think that's a question for your baby's pediatrician?

  10. I have 2 sons (5 and 1 yr old) and yes they do descend on their own, so no need to worry. If it concerns you, ask the doctor on your next baby's appointment, which should be his 4 month check up for immunization shots

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