
Will my 6-month old daughter be eligible for a spot on the Chinese olympic gymnastics in 2012?

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Or will she be too old by then?




  1. Are you kidding me? Of course she'll be too old! Maybe she'll pass, but it's iffy.. Why didn't you have her entered this year?? What kind of a parent are you? Ahaha, just kiddin with you.

    Good one.


  2. Hhahahah so funny and predictable i almost forgot to laugh

  3. You really are bored. Do something else productive next time rather than posting a joke and costing -5 points.

  4. She'll be at least 3 years too old, if the required minimum age is still 16 by then.

    If the minimum age is lowered, you've already missed her one shot.  Sorry.

  5. sour grape

  6. Hahahahha!

  7. Why limit her prospects to gymnastics? By 2012, she'll be free to join any Chinese team.  

  8. No, because they wont be there O_O

  9. Your never too young if your Chinese. I bet half of the team in 2012 will be younger than your daughter! But it will still say there 16.

  10. wow....

  11. No, the requiredage is 16.  I know the Chinese and other countries have athletes who are young, but they have had felonious birth records made up.  

  12. You should have entered her in this years Olympics.

  13. Only if you already have started her training already...otherwise her chances are slim.

    The current Chinese team was doing triple-spin somersaults by 5 months.

  14. if your 6 month old daughter can just sit on the beam without falling, then she'll already be better than alicia sacramone.

    the chinese will never take your daughter. they are beyond you

  15. Whatever... Leave the Chinese alone.

  16. LOL

  17. Can you add more details? Why do you want her in the olympics? How do you know whst shes goaod at? Just wondering. Thanks!

  18. awesome.  i love this question.  you may have lost your chance though.  You could try!

  19. Sure. Just don't forget your forged passport.

  20. If she is good enough I'm sure th Chinese government can take care of any 'issues' that might stand in her way.

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