
Will my Hamsters like Soil?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 Russian, and 1 Syrian Hamster, and am trying to find other things for them to do. They all have sand, tubes & wheels, and get put in the ball for a run every few days.

I was thinking of half filling a large plastic tub with soil / compost for them to have a dig / play a couple of times per week. Will they like this?




  1. rats will like that hamsters probably will to.

    also, you could plant a little grass or bird seed in it put make sure the soil is dry wehn you give it to your hamsters

  2. no, they will get dirty and could damage their eyes,

    try giving them clean shredded toilet paper in a big tub for them to bury in and make a nest. you could put treats or food in the bottom for them to find too :)

  3. you could give it a go, they might like it. i sometimes give my dwarf hamster chinchilla sand to roll in. hes never had soil before

  4. No they will get dirty and even parasites

  5. NO! They will not like this. You cold fill a tube with small shredded carrots though. But stick to regular bedding.

  6. no

  7. Hi =D

    I'm sure this will be fine! In the wild hamsters would do this but as long as you keep an eye on tem then it will be fine!

    Hope this helps!


  8. Of course they will it is their normal habitat.  JUst remember that it could have things in there that could harm it so put it on a baking sheet and bake it in the oven for awhile to kill any germs let it cool put them in and watch them have a ball.

  9. i had a big plant pot about 3ft long and a foot wide, and my husband and i filled it with soil, and we put our hamster in it and she spent about an hour burrowing in it... she loved it, but soon got bored.  you would have to keep an eye on them though while they are burrowing, and playing, just to be on the safe side.

    have fun

  10. No I wouldn't risk it if I were you, soil has a lot of impurities, compost also carries mold, mold can be deadly to a hamster.

  11. Hamsters don't like soil, they prefer just the normal bedding.  I know you want to make your hamsters happy and their drawn to the flowerpot, but soil just isn't a good idea.  Buy carefresh or some other bedding from Petsmart or another pet store.  Hamsters can dig and play in bedding=)

  12. somehow, i very much doubt it.  Think they've got enough there already.

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