
Will my Minolta XG-SE ever be sold?

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I have a Minolta XG-SE camera from around the 70's and 80's.

Well my dad does anyway...

It's completely useless to me, so I want to sell it (my dad's okay with that). He said he tried, but there isn't a market for it so the place wouldn't take it.

Apparently, it also isn't a classic camera that someone would want.

Gahh! I need the money to buy a new camera! Is there a chance of anyone ever purchasing it in my lifetime?




  1. Buy some film and use it!!

  2. You can sell it ... try putting a picture of it on craigslist and a price of about $75 if you have a lens for it.

    To get an idea of what 35 mm SLR's are worth do a search on craigslist ... you will see that Canon and Nikon's generally are worth more, but students taking a photo class will need a camera similar to yours, so you may be able to sell it.

  3. Your chances are slim and none.


  4. Just keep it. I'm surprised your Father has no problem with you trying to sell it, he must not have "bonded" with it much. I have an old Minolta X700 that is also worth little, but I have huge amounts of memories and experiences with it, and will keep it just for sentimental reasons.

    Also, even if you can sell it, the price you get will be so low that it will not go far toward the purchase of a new camera.

    I also agree with the answer to buy film and use it. It will teach you far more than a new digital video game camera that is designed to try to prevent anyone from having to use their brain.


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