
Will my Stafford Loan pay for a Laptop???

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone have a Stafford Loan and know if it will cover a laptop-it is a pretty necessary cause I am doing my classes online!!




  1. There is a limit on the amount of Stafford money you can borrow.  If your tuition and books and fees are below this and you have left over money, you can use it to buy a laptop.  Just be aware, you won't start making payments on those student loans until after you graduate or drop out, then they will put you on a 10 year payment plan.  Meaning you'll be paying of that laptop LONG after its out of date.  

  2. yes if you are using it for college assignments  

  3. You can use your excess student loans for anything you want.  After your school applies your loans to cover tuition they will send you a check for any remaining balance.

  4. If you borrow more than your tuition, you can use the excess money for whatever you want. So calculate the cost of the laptop if you want to, into the loan and ask for that amount instead of the exact tuition cost. I have done this before for other things.

  5. I would assume that if it is necessary to have a computer for on-line classes, than yes they would cover it.

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