
Will my University degree transfer to start new studies in the UK?

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I finished a general studies degree in the states and originally started with pre-nursing degree so I have a lot of sciences and pre-requisites for a nursing degree. I am living in the UK at the moment and it has been a few years. I'm looking at going back to University, has anyone ever done this? I want to know if my education will transfer so that I don't have to be a first year in the program. Anyone with specific experience answer only. Thank yoU!

*also I have emailed registrars etc..




  1. Have the registrars all told you that you must begin at the first year in the UK? I'd imagine they have.

    The US and UK university systems are quite different. In the UK, there are no "classes" as such, and no "credits", so you can't transfer your US credits to a UK degree program. In fact, in most cases, if a UK student were to change her major, she'd need to start at the first year again. Likewise, if she were to change universities, she'd start over again at the new school. This is a problem, yes, but a truth.

    You could check with Richmond University. That's an American style uni in London. They may allow some sort of transfer credits, since they use the American, and not the British system.

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