
Will my XBOX 360 look better with HDMI?

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I own an XBOX 360 (Arcade Version) and have it hooked up through the normal AV cable that come standard with the XBOX. I know that my XBOX is HDMI capable (as is my television- this is how I watch sports). Right now my games look great but would buying HDMI cables and using these through the XBOX HDMI Port (and into the TV) make any noticable difference in the graphics?

One AV (Standard/HD) Cable

This Xbox 360 is equipped with an HDMI port but does not come with the HDMI cables.




  1. I have the arcade xbox 360 and a small 27' LCD TV.

    I bought the cheapest HDMI cable known to man and I saw a pretty big difference in graphics.

    So get the cables, but buy $5 HDMI cable off of Ebay, they work the same as the $50 ones.

    Also, if your TV doesn't support 1080p (like mine), then set it to 720p if you play games with movement because 1080i looks bad and can strain your eyes.

    HUGE improvement in graphics.

  2. I think the arcade only comes with composite cables, so you're not really using your HD TV to its full potential when you're playing 360 games.  

    If I'm wrong and the Arcade comes with the component cables, then it will depend on your TV.  If it's 1080i, then it's not going to make that much of a difference between component and HDMI cables.  If you have a 1080p TV, then HDMI looks a little bit better.

  3. yes, it will look awesome when the 360 is hooked up with HDMI cables, but you need a HD tv to do so

  4. when i went from regular av to hd i noticed a big difference small picture that were blurry before now are clear. and HDMI cables are even better so ya you should notice a difference

  5. you really dont know what your missing

  6. You will notice a difference. Although people think the arcade console is not as good, it is exactly the same as the other consoles without a HDD or the silver disc drive. Don't spend like $60 on HDMI cables though (Monster cables); you can get fairly cheap ones that work pretty well if you do a bit of browsing

  7. if ur currently using the component cables it will look a little better but probably not enough to b worth the money. Instead use the money and get a hard drive believe me that is a much better purchase.

  8. Well, Im not sure if the arcade version works with High Deffinition resolutions, but if your TV is atleast 1080i and you set it up to be in atleast 1080i, then you should be able to see certian details better. Like wrinkels in skin, or blades of grass, or sweat, and so on. But if your TV is 720p or 720i, you might not see much more than now. If your TV is 480p, then dont get them, you wont see anything new. But again Im not sure of the arcade games are in high deffinition to begin with, but if they are and you have atleast a 1080i TV, then in the short run, yes it will look a little bit better, some people say they cant see that one's different from the other though. I can, and it looks a bit sharper too. But its all up to you.

  9. I didn't think the arcade even came with component cables... if your tv is not 1080P capable, then you will notice no real difference between HDMI and component. Use of an HDMI cable would just be more of a convenience thing. However if your tv is 1080P then yes, HDMI will definitely look better than component.

    Component is analog, HDMI is digital

    Analog < Digital

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