
Will my bank cancel my credit (debit) card if I use it out of the country?

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Im going to colombia tomorrow and am wondering if I use my debit card to withdraw money is domestic currency will my bank cancel my credit card. I have wachovia and a friend had this problem with wachovia last summer in europe.




  1. usually if you call their customer service and tell that you will

    travelling (that way they can make a note in the record to allow overseas

    transactions to be accepted

    its possible your friend didn't call them before they left for europe

    as they probably though the card was stolen

  2. If your leaving the country most definately notify the bank. Otherwise because of all the international credit card fraud they will suspend your account as a protection measure.

    Toll free numbers are not toll free outside the US and you'll have to deal with the time differance and hassles to get in touch with your bank to get your card restored.

    Nothing worse than being in a foreign country and being cut off from your money.

  3. Why don't you try calling your bank about this? And to the other answer: A debit card takes money out of your checking account- you can't get into credit card debt by using it.

  4. Credit card debt is a massive problem millions of people are facing at the moment and can really ruin your life.  Repossessions are going through the roof because people cannot afford to live with the massive rises in the cost of living.

    You really need to minimise your credit card debt and ideally get rid of it.

    Firstly, consolidate your cards into one with a zero interest deal, if you can.  Then get rid of all the others and start paying the one that is left off.  It does mean you are going to have to cut back and live within your means, but that is no bad thing.

    Paying off your credit card debt can take some time and will require discipline on your part but it can be done.

  5. i wld call your bank and notify them of wats go n on thats what i did when i went to europe and had no problem good luck and have fun

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