
Will my bank freeze my account if i don't tell them im going on holiday and use my card abroad?

by Guest66905  |  earlier

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I am going on holiday and was wondering if i need to tell my bank because my friend james said i need to tell the bank.

I live in UK and im bopping to spain.





  1. Its always a good idea just to stop into your bank and let them know so they can make a note to your account.

    Also, you should find out any additional charges that will be applied for using your card and about the exchange rate as you dont want to get a surprising bill when you come home.

    Also, ask them about your card limit so you can control your spending and have less worries while on your relaxing vacation.


  2. they wont freeze your account but will knock back any transactions over thier floor limit. so keep the transaction low usually below 50.00

  3. yh and they will never phone u

  4. You definitely need to inform your bank that you're going overseas, even if just as a precaution.  Banks regularly monitor accounts for "unusual activity".  Geographical location is one of the biggest factors when setting off potential fraud alarms.  For example, if you live in the U.S. and your card is charged in Canada, the bank WILL notice.  Some banks, like Chase, will report activity as unusual if your card is used just a few cities away from where you live without having any notes on your record that explain why it would be used there.

  5. You should let them know that you are traveling and will be using your credit card.  They may think it's fraud and freeze your account until they can contact you.

    I know I've purchased some pricey items at one store and by the time I get to another they did a fraud hold on my account.

    Best to make don't want to be trying to deal with this while on holiday.

  6. Your friend james sounds like a neek. But he has a point.. they will freeze it within 5 seconds you may aswell just snap your card before you get to spain.. hope this helps xx

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