
Will my betta fish kill my baby guppies?

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I got a Betta fish,and I am afraid that my few month old baby guppies,are too small for him,and he may attack them,when the other fish are fine with them. Will he attack them and kill them?




  1. yes,remove the betta or fry,when they are big enough put them back.

  2. say bye bye to your guppies

  3. Uh, yex.  If they're small enough to eat, then he will kill them by ingestion.  If not, he'll likely just pick on them till they die.  Also, he will attack mature male guppies if they're colorful and have good finnage.

    Although bettas can be kept with other fish, guppies are not one of them.

  4. Well, it all depends on the disposition of the betta. What i suggest is to put it in the aquarium IN ITS CONTAINER and see if it flares up when they pass by. As long as they don't have the long tails like the females or even bigger as it ma be mistaken as another male betta, it should be fine. Also, since the others were put in FIRST, he won't be trying to defend "his" turf. Like, if you had the betta a while in a tank first, yeah, he probably would. So, i hoped this helped, try all the techniques, and good luck!

  5. Of the fry are larger than his mouth, he should not be able to eat them. Just make sure they are fatter than his mouth, not longer but fatter. a few monthes old seems large enough, but make sure there are no male guppies with him or he will attack and kill them cuz they look like other male bettas.

  6. put the baby guppies in another tank by themselves untill they get big. then put them back in the tank. but if the baby are bigger than the betas mouth then keep them in there.

    EDIT: ok then your guppies will be fine. but if he shows some sign of aggression towards the babies then put him in another tank untill they get bigger.

  7. Yes!! Its just like giving him a shrimp!! Unless they are pretty big don't chance it!! I would rather be safe than sorry!! Hope I helped!! THis is to your additional details: IF your mollies don't even chase them it should be ok, but your beta might not get along with those mollies anyways. MY beta hated my guppies.

  8. Betta's  are VERY aggressive they take a few days but they start attacking every fish that swims past them so i wouldn't put him in the tank or you will see some dead fish

  9. Say goodbye to the baby guppies!

  10. Yes Betta fish should live solo

  11. i am sorry to hear that they might get eating take the betta out and put it in a sepret thing

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