
Will my bettas fins grow back?

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I have a betta named herman i've had him for about 4 months now. When i first got him i knew nothing about him and he was housed in a 1 gallon fish bowl with plastic plants. He ripped his dorsal fin almost all the way down to his body. Since then i put him in a 5 gallon tank with a small filter and a heater, with all silk plants. Now i've done extensive research and know alot about him, except this. I added some aquarium salt to help heal it, but it's been over a month and a half and it still hasn't healed. I know it's not water quality because in other places where he nipped his fins they are whitish color and growing back. It's just the one. I change 20% of his water every week.

How long do they take to heal, i've read about ketapang indian almond extract, would you recommend purchasing this.

I just want his fins to be perfect again.

So remeber kids always do your research before purchasing any fish.LOL




  1. I bought a platy and when I got it home it had fin rot.  I put it in a separate container with tank water and melafix.(it is a antibacterial fish remedy)  I bought it at Petco.   I left it in there for a few minutes and then I returned my fish back to the tank.  I did this for a few days.  The fin grew back in a week or two.  Of course your fish seems like it has a deeper wound so it may take longer.  The person at Petco told me what to do.  

  2. If it was torn that close to the body its going to take longer to heal.

    Other than that your doing a great job of learning from your mistakes and giving him a better linving situation. I've tried the leaf extract - not impressed and it turns the water yellow (that is, if you take the carbon out of the filter, which you have to do because the carbon neutrolizes it).

    Just be patient

  3. It nice to hear you did your research and care enough about your fish to keep him in the best condition possible.The salt regimen is good but I believe that you could try some melafix too which should aide in a more speedier recovery of his fins. But yes given time they will grow back!

  4. It will grow back but it can take a long time like a year or even more, it won't grow back the way it used to though but it will grow back, it just takes a long time.

  5. Hey Im Johan V and you helped me out with my questions! THANKS! to help yours i got this. i read a book about bettas and whenever a betta is hurt... it is always best to take more care of it. Make sure the water is at 78-80F and give him healthy bites! (bloodwormms, pellets, Brine shrimp) but its best to make sure the water is very clean becuase when a betta is hurt it is more likey to get sick. BUT BETTAS TAKE A WHILE TO HEAL! MY FRIEND HAD ONE RIPPED UP BY HIS FEMALE AND THE MALE TOOK 3 MONTHS. your doing everything fine just wait. THANKS AGAIN!

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