
Will my blue tongue skinks scales recover???

by  |  earlier

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i was given a bts by my best m8 he had it for a year but he kept it outside and when he gave it to me it was riddled with ticks and its scales have been move out of place and really mucked up. i have sucessfully remove all the tick and i was wondering if the scales will go back to normal after some sheds and he isnt eating properly wat should i try him on?

i have tryd meal worms(he isnt to font of them) and snails he eats them every now and again but it is in winter so tht mite be y hes not eating should i try him on cat food(not fish based)

plz help i need to know if his scales will return to normal plzz help thanx all




  1. Depending on the amount of damage, his scales should go back. You might want to try to feed him some fruit and maybe a bit of ground turkey or chicken. If he had that many ticks on him, he is going to be weak. so I would let him soak in a water tub everyday so he can hydrate. Ticks do a number on a reptile. give him time and always offer him a variety, when he is ready, he will eat.

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