
Will my braces set off metal detectors?

by Guest66102  |  earlier

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Lol. Is it gonna set those metal detectors off like in airports or state capitals?




  1. no but if it does for some reason just show them your braces. you 'll be fine so don't sweat it : )

  2. No,  braces I have never heard of braces setting off any types of alarms or detectors.

  3. Ha ha...  That's cute...  No, they won't set off metal detectors...  But you might pick up a few radio signals.... lol  Juskidding :)

  4. no i dont think they would put them on you if it was that strong to attract metal sensors

  5. Nope!

  6. no

  7. Nah. Metal detectors recognize braces.

  8. no

    but that would be somewhat cool

    ........and weird

  9. Haha, nope, thank God!

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