
Will my b*****s grow?

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i'm 16 almost 17 and i started my period when i was around 9 and i have small b*****s (32A) will they still grow or am i done with the growing at this point? i also am a petite girl and i do excersise




  1. just wait. im 48 (A or B im unsure, ahahaha) and 14.

  2. They will probably grow some more after 16.  But even if they don't, 32A sounds pretty nice to me.

  3. They are most likely done.

    However will grow if you gain weight or go on the birth control pill.

  4. you are probably done growing by now.. but there is no way to ever really no.. doctors can tell you yes or no but they dont know for sure.. my doctor told me i was done growing before i got my period and he also told me that i would get mine 3 years before i actually did hey you never know. only time can tell

  5. You had your period at 9 years old?! Wow! Usually girls get it around the ages of 12 or 13. But anyway yeah I think you MIGHT stopped growing your breast because around age 16 you usually stopped growing your height and body parts.. But anything can happen just be patient =]

  6. it will grow, give it some time

  7. Not sure, you could kinda tell by older sisters or you Mom, how they have developed.  But you are very petite so I doubt that you will get much bigger.  That isn't a bad thing.  xox

  8. lolololol no boy will ever like u

    youll be alone

    no one will be ur friend

    and ur family will abandoned you

    ur life will be miserable

    and the world will end because of your size


    ur stupid


  9. Sorry but I don't think they will.  You started your period a long time ago and you're getting to the age where you will stop growing.  You said your petite which means your b*****s are probably proportionate to your body.  If you're still unhappy with them try wearing a padded push-up bra.

  10. I am 30 and always had small b*****s at school they did eventually get to a B-cup which is better than what i had but i still always wanted bigger ones, however i have grown to realize that more than a handful is a waste. To be honest i think you generally know by the time your about 13-14 weather you will have big b*****s, i remember one girl in my year had such big b*****s that she had the most awful back trouble, so big b***s are not all that. You body should stop growing by about 22 so you may have a possibilty that they will grow slightly bigger, but as i said you normally know early on if you'll have big ones. Remember beauty is skin deep, so dont worry if they never get big.

  11. they will, but only like a size or two bigger. after a pregnancy, theyll get more stretched by the milk, and will stay a bigger size. but they wont change that much. you sound tiny. small b*****s go for your size.

  12. b***s are awesome.. doesn't matter the size.

  13. Give it until you're about 20, by then you will have a good example of where your cup size will be staying. As of now, you're still maturing, so just give it some time.

  14. Depends on your family history of female breast size too, but I think that you are pretty much gonna stay that way unless when you have children maybe you will get a little more to em...  

  15. i don't think so unless your already pass your growth spurt I know women who have a sized breast it's actually really common

  16. wowww. tht sucks, you really are little. umm, they might not, since you exercise. but, gain some fat, and they might. because b*****s are made of fat.

  17. Yes, your still developing at that stage.

  18. probably not

    probably yea

    just wait....

  19. Nobody can answer this for you. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Your body will go through so many changes throughout your life. I had B cups until I was 25 and had my son. Now I have C's and I'm 29. But I'm also overweight. I know that when I lose weight I will most likely lose some of my b*****s as well.

    Instead of worrying about your breast size try focusing on your positive physical traits, the ones you're happy with. For example if you have pretty eyes or full lips, play up on them. Don't let one part of your body define your self-worth.

  20. Nope, I would get implants.  

  21. no you still have a long way to go. when i was 16 i wasn't even an Acup. im 19 now and im a C. just wait. :]

  22. 32 A is big !

  23. stop asking these dumb @ss questions i bet u kno what the d**n answer is u just want attention u w***e

  24. I think they will a little more. 32A is fine and you have a nice body too i'm guessing so no worries. :]

  25. if you are muscular and work out a lot, then that is why you have small b***s. b***s are fat, and when women work out the first thing it targets is fat, mainly your b***s and butt.  

  26. IDK.  I got my period when I was 11 and my b*****s stopped growing when I was 13.  I've been a C since then.  My friend Tara, also a C, didn't have b*****s until she was 16!  I do not know when she got her period though.  Google "celebrities with A cups" and you will find that you have some company.  Maybe you will get bigger with time.  Who knows?

  27. they probably will. its different for everyone though...
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