
Will my bunnys be ok on a 6 hour car drive??

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i am moving from Florida to Georgia and i was wondering if it would be ok to take my bunny's with me. their 2 years old by the way





  1. sure, just make sure that they have plenty of food and water. and put an ice bottle in the cage if it's hot. stop every few hours to make sure they're ok.

  2. The rabbit should be OK if you do it right.

    Get a small cage or dog crate. Big enough for the rabbit to move around and lie down. One for at least a 20lb dog or bigger. Put some litter or a puppy pad (only if your rabbit won't destroy it) in the bottom, then put lots of hay on top.

    A water bottle will probably leak and a bowl will spill. So take a bottle or bowl with you and offer to the rabbit every few hours when you stop for a break.

    Don't offer pellets of veggies during the drive. Your rabbit will be Ok just eating hay.

    When you arrive, get the rabbit settled before you start moving other stuff in. Put it in a quiet room for the night and when you start moving your furniture in. Moving is very stressful for a rabbit. He may not eat or be himself for a few days. If this lasts for more than 2 days, take him to a rabbit savvy vet. You should find one before you move and make sure that they know how to handle rabbits.

    Good Luck.  

  3. I drove my rabbit 3 hours to bring him home. He was fine - the car ride freaked him out a bit, but it was the only option.

    Just make sure the temperature in the car isn't too hot or too cold, and make sure they have some hay and a source of water. I wouldn't use their water bottle since the motion can make it leak, but some vegetables like carrots or romaine lettuce can be used to provide moisture. You can also stop for a few minutes every so often and offer them their bottle.  

  4. When I took my rabbits across Canada with me, they seemed to be fine. Just make sure they always have access to water and take breaks on your trip to let them out of their cage for a bit. Hope this helped!

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