
Will my car get keyed if I switch to a pro-life license plate?

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Will my car get keyed if I switch to a pro-life license plate?




  1. It might, but sometimes you don't have to give someone a reason to key your car.

  2. If you really believe in pro life take a chance and stand up to what you believe in. cars can be repainted ,anyone that does that kind of mischief will do it for no reason at all.Remember one dead and one wounded could be the result of the "other" choice.If you license plate gets one lady to thinking,well whats a scratch on a car?

  3. unfortunately, probably.

  4. you'll prolly get hung for it

  5. ehh..probably. but u shouldnt let that stop u from expressing ur emotions. if this is something that u feel strongly for then id say go for it! paying the consequences hasnt stopped ppl from expressing their feelings in the past. i mean before, ppl who believed in god used to get persecuted, just because they believed in god. im not saying that someones going to kill u for having a prolife license plate, but theres always going to be somebody that is going to discriminate against your beliefs

  6. depends on where your at

  7. how much do you value your car!! i am pro life too but...

  8. Pro-life, pro-choice, both are hot buttons.  I won't key your car, but somebody will, no matter which side you are on.

  9. i'd never do that to you buddy.

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