
Will my car insurance cover me?

by  |  earlier

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My car is in the shop. My boyfriend offered to lend me his car but he has no insurance. Will my car insurance cover me and his car in the event of an accident?

I have full coverage on my car. I can't call tonight to find out and I need to know before I actually can call the insurance company.

Thanks! Please don't answer if you do not know. 10 points to first "best" answer.




  1. I would definitely check your policy language but in my experience, if your vehicle is disabled & you have permissive use to drive a friends, your insurance would step up to the plate and cover any "liability" issues.  I DO NOT believe they would cover any repairs to the vehicle you were driving.

  2. If he does not have insurance on that vehicle, your insurance will not cover. Don't drive it.  The actual VEHICLE must be covered by the owner. If you are involved in a crash, your insurance company WILL NOT COVER IT.

    In addition, if his vehicle isn't covered, you have to be suspicious as to why that is. It could be his license was yanked.

  3. It depends on the policy but usually your insurance will extend from your parked car to the car you are driving (with permission and a valid drivers license)

  4. Most likely your insurance will 'extend' coverage to boyfriends car for a limited period of time (you really need to pull out your policy and check this..). This should be under 'temporary substitute vehicle' clause.

  5. You should go for a proper program with an expert's help for a better  management. Check out here for some useful info and tips.

  6. No one can give you a definate answer- however, as a claims adjuster I can give you a educated one.

    It depends on the company- some good expensive companies (Progressive i know is one) will cover you if you drive an uninsured vehicle.  HOWEVER- as a rule.. most will not (and are not required to) ASSUME THE WORSE AND THATS ITS NOT.

    I know the chances of an accident are slim- but it could happen. Ive seen it happen far too many times.  It just takes one second and ruin you and your boyfriends life (could you imagine if you all owed like 50k out of pocket?!)

    I suggest if your boyfriend drives this car thats not insured- you dumb his butt.  hes not a very smart boy.  Ive seen too many lives ruined by people getting in accidents while uninsured.

  7. If they don't cover you, try finding a better insurer. Try using to compare car insurance rates for all the major providers in your area.

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