
Will my cat be ok with this e collar on him?

by Guest32621  |  earlier

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I asked a question yesterday about a sore on my cats ear. Took him to the vet and she told me what I already knew about his dry skin. She gave me an e collar for him to wear until the sore healed because he keeps scratching it. I put it on him and all he's been doing is sitting there on the bed and staring at the wall. Is this normal? Also will he be able to eat and drink normally?




  1. dont you listen to your vet? yes he will be able to eat and drink normally..he will get used to it. trust me im a vet tech

  2. ummm okay Cali C? I do believe that they're talking about a CAT, not a dog. The cat should be able to eat and drink just fine!! They should have the collar just short enough so that he can get to his food/water bowl. Cats are very independent animals and don't like being confined, by having this collar on him, he feels like there's really nothing he can do. He'll eventually get used to it and he'll be the same cat you know and love!!  

  3. he'll be ok he's just frustrated that he cant scratch his ear

  4. awww poor baby but its just something he has to get use till it heals. You see dogs hate change and thats a huge change in his life. DOnt worry about it he'll get use to it if he doesnt eat or drink for a day bring him back to the vet fast. Good Luck:)

  5. Yes, that is normal behavior for a cat with an e-collar on. They can eat and drink with the collar on. Your cat will get used to it.  

  6. Cats just do not like to be restrained in any manner.  I know it's tough to see him like that; but unfortunately it's got to be done.

    By the way; it's great to hear a positive comment from someone who actually CARES ABOUT THEIR CAT enough to get vet care and being responsible.


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