
Will my cat like my new kitten?

by  |  earlier

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i have a cat about 1 year, 2 months who ive had since he was about 3 months old. hes the king of the house, but hes very playful, and hes got a great personality. hes fixed and declawed, and never had any aggression issues. about 4-5 months ago we adopted a small dog, which was used to being around cats. our cat didnt like her for about 2 months, but now hes tolerant. we just added a kitten a couple days ago, and the older cat has been hissing and spitting nonstop. he also makes a noise like a cell phone vibrating on the table. the kitten is super affectionate, and has already made friends with the dog. will the older cat start to act normal towards the new kitten, or is he more likely to hate this new cat forever? i dont want to have either cat be unhappy, but ive never had 2 cats and dont know what to expect.




  1. It's better to isolate the kitten and cat (not too late), then switch their bedding after a day or so to let them get used to each other's scent, then introduce them slowly instead of just throwing them in the mix together.

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