
Will my cat like the new puppy I'm gonna get?

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I have a really nice cat and I'm getting a new yorkie puppy. They are both gonna live in my room. my cat does pretty good with dogs that don't attack her, but will she do okay with a new puppy?




  1. it may take sometime but im sure that they will get along

  2. They dont say "theyy fight like cats and dogs" because they get along

  3. Probably not.  But you need to introduce them slowly, not expect your cat to instantly befriend the dog.  Animals have personalities just like people do - you may not like every person you meet, especially if you suddenly have to share everything with them.

    Talk with your parents and your vet about the proper way to introduce new animals to current pets.

  4. Not unless you do it the right way. Your local humane society should have handouts (maybe they have an online sheet you can download from their website, too) about how to assimilate them. There's a very specific way to do it.

  5. course she will






  7. Most likely, it will.

    When it's a puppy, it hasn't really been taught yet that cats are bad.

    If your cat is playful, they should get along with each other great.

  8. it depends, i have worked with cats and dogs, when i had a cat and i got my first puppy they got along very well, but that's because i trained them good, now my dog is grown up and he still gets along with th cat, so i'm guessing that if your cat is really nice and it does pretty good with dogs then you must have trained him well, so i'm sure that it will get along with your dog. :)

  9. no, cats and dogs are both territorial. but as long as you force it on your cat, eventually it'll give in and share

  10. if introduce  them well then it should work

  11. probably. she might get a little bit jealous though, so pay equal attention to both.

  12. Sorry, but your cat will hate the new puppy, at least at first. Cats really don't respond to change very well, and introducing a puppy to the cat's home turf is a huge change. There will definitely be a period of adjustment. In my own experience (over the years, I've had 4 dogs and 4 cats at various points), it will take at least a couple months and maybe up to a year before a cat and dog will establish a relationship that suits them both. They may end up being buddies, but the odds are more likely that the cat and dog will simply learn to stay out of each other's way. Until then, the cat will probably have to set some boundaries for the pup, which may involve a couple open-clawed swipes across the nose. They'll settle down eventually.

  13. before you get your puppy take the cat to the breeders to make sure they get along

  14. probably not... my cats hated me when i got a puppy.  took them about 2 years to start to get along, then they were best of friends.

  15. No.  She will not like it at first, but she will adjust.  It will take them a few days to get used to each other.  

  16. if shes fine with other dogs then yeah theyll probably do okay. just introduce them slowly when i got my 2nd cat i kept both my cats seperate and took them to see each other slowlyso they wouldnt fight and theyd get used to each other alittle before beng stuck with each other all the time.

  17. Check out this site: on how to introduce cats and dogs.

  18. Probly scratch it up a bit before finishing it off.

  19. puppies are playful and don't understand that most cats arent. So your cant probably wont like that. I have a 4 year old cat (roxy) and a 2 year old yorkie (scrappy) they play together with mini tennis balls.. the cat is twice his size its halarious... but it really depends on the cats personality. I actually have 2 other cats but they keep to themselves and it took about one scratch in the face for him to leave them be.

    Hope they get along.. and enjoy your yorkie they are awesome dogs that make great companions :)

  20. you should be asking if the puppy is going ot be okay with her.

    but im pretty sure she will as long he doesnt bother her. good luck



  21. the puppy may be a little too rough but if you get like those animal cleaning clothes from pet stores and clean them both with it. it has the same scent. so the cat will feel comfortable around the dog because it smells just like her/him!

  22. Well it's a little too soon to answer. You say that your cat likes puppies that don't attack her but you don't know if your puppy will like the cat and won't try to attack her. I recommend that you start them out with small visits and then let them live together if things look good.

  23. She will be bitter and angry, but in time she will adjust and learn to tolerate, maybe even like, her new friend. Trim her claws before the puppy comes, cats tend to go for the nose and eyes.

  24. Cats hate dogs, but they get used to them.  You want to watch that your dog doesn't chase your cat and that your cat doesn't claw the dog.  She can seriously hurt the dog if her claws are very sharp.  Cats hate to be chased, so they will get along better if you make sure your dog doesn't chase her.  Always give your cat treats first and pet her first.  This is important to establish the pack order, and dog trainers agree cats should always be ahead in the order since they are smaller and can be seriously hurt by an overly excited dog.  This will also help your dog to learn to respect the cat and hopefully leave her alone.

  25. I think a yorkie should be fine if its not too wild and trying to chase her.

  26. You cat will not like it at first.  Your cat is use to getting 100% attention, if you do not have any other pets currently.  I just got a new puppy, this Friday will be 2 weeks.  I have a 15lb cat and it did not like the puppy at first, or me.  The cat loves yogurt, and it was mad at my wife and I, and would not take the yogurt from her.  He would not sleep with us at night, and the cat would sulk.  He is now playing with the pupppy.  We still have to watch them when they are together because the cat is twice as big and more agile than a pup.

  27. Usually, if a cat lives in a space before a dog comes to live there, the dog will respect the cat's place of I guess, authority.  I don't know about a puppy.

  28. Because your yorkie puppy will be around the same size as your cat neither will fell intimidated but a yorkie is a fisty type of dog. all you can reali do is try them together.

  29. if she is good with dogs..possibly..but to be honest most cats are not fond of dogs unless they grew up with them as kittens

  30. The puppy might attack her. and she might hiss/scratch at it.

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